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Tips to give you time

to build a more profitable business

When You’re A Jack Of All Trades

When You're A Jack Of All Trades

When you’re a jack of all trades, being the master of ‘some’ can get buried in the day to day.  It’s not easy being a master when you’re wearing so many hats in your business (at the end of the day, stuff needs doing!).

[my journey] Some years ago my business consisted of me.  I was very much a jack of all trades and spent more time upskilling than I did charging out my time.  Jump forward a couple of years (my business mentor helped me see the light) and I had pulled together a team of master’s.  They spend their time doing what they do best, leaving me to focus on what I do best – which in my case is talking to and supporting our clients and ensuring our business keeps abreast of change.

[back to you]  How much time each week is spent on tasks you are the master of?  Tasks only you can do?  Hopefully you’re thinking, “I’ve nailed this.  I block out 3 days every week to work on business development/writing content/onboarding new clients/coaching …”  If you’re indeed that person, R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  It’s not an easy road to travel to get there, you’ve obviously been blessed with some discipline, planning, forward thinking and focus.

  • If you’re still spending your days/weeks/months being a jack of all trades, stop!
  • Sit back in your chair for a minute.
  • Close your eyes!
  • Imagine a day where you’re doing what you do best – what only you can do.
  • Now, imagine six month’s down the track.  How does your business look now you’re a master – and you have a team of masters.
  • What would you have achieved?

[my journey] Using our team as an example, when it was just me I did a great job for our clients.  I could do graphic design, accounts, website changes, blogging, email campaigns, admin …. get the picture.  I could do it all.  But changing to a team dynamic, we now do the same tasks faster, with a much better result.  If I compare the graphics I did in Photoshop to those Lisa does now – well, there is no comparison!

[finishing up – with you!] To close, hone your particular skill.  Be a master at what you do, and what you spend your days doing.  It’s more efficient and productive to outsource skills that take you a long time to do, that frustrate you, and that take your time away from what you’re so good at.

You have a successful business BECAUSE you’re a master, now take your business to a new level and be that master ALL THE TIME. Download your free guide here to transform your business and make the best out of your mastery. 


How to effortlessly transform your business [free download]
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