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virtual recruitment

seek onboarding selection promotion screening

We know your expertise is leading change, not drafting job descriptions. While you handle providing vision and culture guidance around growth goals, leverage our remote recruitment specialists to attract and onboard suitable talent so you can better empower your people. 

Leverage the latest tools (such as VideoAsk) to ensure your application process filters all but the very best.  

We can even help you with interim support by covering tasks and roles until your new hire starts.

You deserve the right Who.  We can help you find them.

Virtual recruitment specialists NZ

Our virtual recruitment services include but are not limited to:


  • Identify hiring needs
  • Develop job descriptions
  • Draft job ads
  • Create candidate profiles
  • Set hiring timelines
  • Develop application process 

Attracting Talent

  • Post openings on job sites
  • Promote on social media
  • Email candidate leads
  • Leverage employee referrals


  • Review applicant resumes and applications
  • Conduct phone screenings
  • Perform reference checks


  • Coordinate interview scheduling of shortlist
  • Develop interview guides
  • Arrange travel/remote calls
  • Collect feedback


  • Create comparative scorecards
  • Check references & backgrounds
  • Extend job offers
  • Manage negotiation


  • Handle employment paperwork and onboarding
  • Schedule orientation meetings
  • Order tools & tech setup
  • Support training

Get started



written using ai based on our testimonials

virtual recruitment

As operations director Jacob was thrilled Acute Analytics was growing, but posting openings and reviewing hundreds of applicants became all-consuming, delaying other initiatives. With no HR background, he struggled knowing how to attract and filter senior engineering talent. 

Needing to outsource, Jacob enlisted one of Your VA’s Recruitment Specialist, Andrea. Adapting best practices for tech roles, Andrea developed a showcase careers page and injected engaging voice into branded job posts targeting passive candidates. Leveraging screening AI to assess technical qualifications, only the most relevant applicants reached Andrea, saving hours wasted on unsuitable candidates.

Andrea further helped calibrate Acute’s compensation against competitor packages securing their new VP Engineering, Aisha. 

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