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Service Spotlight: Lead Generation

Service Spotlight: Lead Generation

How to Improve Your Lead Generation

Since we started running on EOS we’ve been very focused on our lead generation.  We know exactly how many leads we need to convert to meet our quarterly rocks.  But it’s one thing knowing how many new clients you need, and another thing completely to make it happen.  

So we’ve been using Kelly to breathe new life into our lead generation strategy, and to turn up much more consistently than we have done in the past.

Here are some lead generation tips from Kelly we hope will help you to fill your sales funnel.  

Your Lead Generation Tip Sheet

Kelly's Tips

Lead generation is part of a whole strategy, not just a little bit here and there every now and then.  It takes consistency and time to actually build momentum and see what works specific to your target market.

I’d probably say the easiest thing / most important thing for them to do right now would be to check their website and social media to ensure the contact details are up to date. The amount of websites I’ve come across that have enquiry forms going to an email address for a staff member that doesn’t work there anymore is wild!  It’s even worth checking things like their Google Business profile as this is a huge communication point for their clients.

A more long term action would be aiming to post at least once a week on social media showcasing something about their business (what they do, a testimony from a past client, an upcoming special) and include a call to action (a phone number to call, an email, a link to their website).

Kelly, at Your Virtual Assistant Ltd

How to create 15 social media posts in under 5 minutes

If you’re responsible for creating content we’re sure this tip will save you a lot of time!  

Or, if you delegate your posts to someone on your team, feel free to share this video with them.

A disclaimer. It’s a fine balance between consistency and quality so balance ‘filler’ posts like this with longer form posts that will educate and solve problems for your ideal audience.  

TIP 💡 Be easy to contact
This might seem obvious but the quickest win for you to take advantage of is to check your website, google business, and social media profiles to make sure all contact details are up to date.

TIP 💡 Be consistent

A longer term win would be aiming to post once a week on social media sharing something about your business (what you do, a testimony, an upcoming special) and include a call to action (a phone number to call, an email, a link to your website).

Through consistency you start to build trust, credibility and stay top of mind when your prospects do look for your services.

Are you meeting your target for new business leads?

Your Turn

If your lead generation isn’t what you want it to be, download our guide.  We’ve included a checklist to get you started.

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