As a virtual assistant you’ve been working from home well before the rest of the world caught on to the benefits. But thriving as a virtual assistant during lockdown is a whole new kettle of fish. It’s something we’ve encountered here in our team and something I’ve had my share of anxiety over in these uncertain times.
So in this article I’ll share a behind the scenes look at the challenges we’ve faced and the solutions we’ve come up with. In doing so you’ll know you’re definitely not alone, and hopefully these insights will help you thrive like we’re learning to.
Lockdown challenges as a virtual assistant:
Constant interruptions from family at home
Worried clients who need your support
Me time is non existent
Trying to home school while working
Stressed about household income
Retaining clients affected by lockdowns
… to name just a few!
I had a call from one of my team
She has four children at home coming to her with their schoolwork (with just a teeny bit of infighting and subsequent breakdowns in the background!), hubby working from home and zooming from the dining table, one of the clients she’s working with have gone crazy as a result of lockdown meaning her other 2 clients weren’t getting enough of her time … she was in tears. She’s also stressed about money just to top it off.
We made a plan to help her feel like her normal (in control and happy!) self again. The solutions included:
- Utilising members on the team we’d trained as her backups to step in for the two clients she was falling behind with.
- Giving her additional help for the client who’s gone crazy. We talked through the projects involved and reached out to our VAs with those skill sets.
- Communicating with said hubby around their schedules, making sure they’re not both on zooms at the same time and taking turns being no. 1 contract for the kids.
- Emphasising with her the importance of me time and prioritising that (for sanity purposes). She’s now scheduled her walk while the children have bath time with Dad in control.
I know she could have come up with these solutions herself, however sometimes when you’re stuck in that space it’s hard to stop and see from the outside in.
What about you?
The solutions for you will be different. There may be no-one at home, meaning you’re feeling isolated right now.
You may have a big client who’s in hospitality and asked you to pause everything until further notice.
Or you’re absolutely run off your feet work-wise with no support to back you up.
Every problem has a solution. Here’s some I hope are a match for any problems you’re working through … so you too can thrive!

The solutions!
- Look into some of the business support resources that are available during lockdown.
- Team up with another VA you can talk to and share workloads with.
- Talk to your spouse and be honest about what you’re going through.
- Talk to your children and tell them what you’re going through (age appropriate).
- Find a way to fit ‘me time’ into your day.
- Take regular breaks throughout the day.
- Eat regularly throughout the day!
- Stay away from social media and news sites while you’re working.
- Turn off notifications so time away from work is really time away.
- If you live alone and therefore work alone, routine and virtual buddies and colleagues are really important. Maintain contact.
- Get dressed! It helps you feel good about yourself.
- If you haven’t already, set up a space where you can work that’s comfortable, as quiet as possible and makes you happy to be in. If you already have a space, do a makeover!
- Communicate with your clients around their priorities, so you can plan what’s important to them.
- Smile, breathe and step back regularly.
- Finally, be kind to yourself. It’s ok not to be wonder woman!
We know what it’s like to have bad days … to doubt ourselves, be overwhelmed and even have times were we know we aren’t coping. We’d like to be here for you so click on either of our images to email us. We can arrange a call or a zoom to talk through what you’re going through and help you with the solution … or just be there to listen.