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Are you already providing a VBM service for your VA clients?

Are you already providing a VBM service for your VA clients

One of the reasons we founded VBM Academy was to support the huge number of virtual assistants who go beyond the VA role for their clients.  We’ve done it here at Your VA, because you want to deliver the very best service possible, you go above and beyond the role of task ticker.  That’s what’s made you the success you are!

Once you’ve established you’re providing that business manager level of service, the next step is to transition your clients so they’re leveraging you to your full potential.  Likewise you’re rewarded and recognised for the skillset you offer, resulting in a more profitable business, and some sanity in their personal life!

Here are 5 signs you’re already providing a virtual business manager service for your clients:

You create your own list of tasks because you see the big picture and have the trust of your client to get things done as needed.

You’re proactive in how you communicate with your client, becoming a filter for their ideas and initiatives to keep them focused on what’s important to meet their short term goals.

You manage your client’s team, whether that be internal staff or external contractors.  

Budgets are something you’re very hands on with, crunching the numbers for your client to make sure the business’s revenue goals are on track.

You’ve become a trusted partner in your client’s business, a sounding board and often strategic partner creating plans in order to achieve goals.

During this transition phase you’re more than likely acting as VA and VBM, both managing and doing what needs to be done.  That’s not sustainable in the long term and it’s not seeing you working at your full potential.  We address how to transition clients in our online programme but for now, take our online quiz which goes into more detail to reveal (tada!) if you’re a VBM in the making, or a VA extraordinaire.

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