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A Day in the Life of a VA: Meet Jilanne

A Day in the Life of Your VA, Jilanne

Jilanne is one of those people who you know have your back.  When I’ve had something urgent that needs someone to drop everything and step up, Jilanne’s one of the first to do so.  

In today’s interview with Justine we talk chickens, travel and clients.  Here’s a day in the life of a VA in Jilanne’s shoes.

A 'normal' day for Jilanne looks like this:

AM sometime

Jilanne never sets an alarm!


Wake up and have make coffee. It’s currently whitebaiting season, so we have whitebait fritters for breakfast most mornings. We feed the chickens and go for a walk with the dog. 


We home school our 6 year old so mornings are homeschool time.


I usually start work around 9. I check emails and go over my to-do list for the day, as well as look at any Zoom meetings that I may need to prep for. I have some tasks that I do on the same day every week, and others that are one-off projects. I sort my tasks into priorities based on any emails that have come in. I have clients in NZ, Australia and USA so I often get emails during the night.
I use different project management tools with clients like Clickup, Trello or Asana, and then I collate my daily tasks in my digital planner that I use on my iPad with the Goodnotes app. This is great because unlike using a pen and paper, I can use my Apple Pencil to move tasks around if something is urgent, and I can move them into a Done list when I’ve competed them. It’s also easy to move things to the next day if I need to. I use this system in conjunction with my Google Calendar where I keep all of my appointments and regular tasks scheduled. 


Sometimes I have a break for lunch and take the dog for a walk, or I skip lunch and finish my day earlier. 


The family usually comes home around then so we start dinner and eat early. We also feed the chickens, collect eggs and water the garden etc 


Dinner and family time


I work for an hour or 2 in the evening if I have important deadlines. Otherwise I relax with my husband and go to bed early. 

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