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Tips to give you time

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How to Leverage Your VA [ROI for Coaches]

Leverage your VA (ROI for coaches)

In order to know how we can help you leverage your VA, we need to know what’s holding you back.  Here’s an excerpt from a questionnaire we send out pre discovery call with his answer to our question, what is your biggest frustration?

we ask your biggest frustration so we can help you leverage your VA

“Not being free from the day to day operations of the business which means I don’t get the headspace to focus on the growth and next steps.”

During the discovery call, I asked him what success looks like.  What outcome does he need to see as a result of investing in one of our virtual assistants?

The Goal:

"Give me my time back so I can concentrate on delivering coaching, and increasing my revenue streams."

When we dived into his frustration, our immediate priority was to give him his time back.  Right now he has a waiting list for one-on-one coaching. These are clients he wants to be able to see in a four-week window.

Future growth is to develop processes around his delivery, create an online course, and start a mastermind for his highest value clients.

The Solution:

Following our five-step process for reducing admin, we'll be able to 'sell him time'.

His lead VA was tasked with working alongside him, using our 5-step process to reduce his admin and give him time back.

While taking on those tasks that weren’t the best use of his time she was also able to identify a number of ways to replace manual tasks with automation. Here’s a really good article on how to eliminate manual processes and manual work to get more work done

By using our team, we assigned various experts to help with:

  • document templates
  • streamlining his accounts
  • implementing a project management system
  • updating his website

while she personally managed systemising his inbox and calendar.

All initiatives which helps him work smarter and develop operations on which he could sustainably scale his practice. 

The Results: ROI of $6,780

Our client charges $450 an hour for his one-on-one sessions. 

His VA budget of 30 hours is an investment of $2,220 per month.

However 30 hours of virtual assistant support actually saved him 50 hours each month. Our team were faster at admin, and able to make efficiencies with automation.

These additional 50 hours we were able to give to him freed him up to deliver an additional 20 one-on-one coaching sessions.  Resulting in a reduced waiting list and an increase in revenue.

How we measured his monthly ROI

One Action

If you’re working with a VA now, or thinking about working with one in the near future … think about what the return on investment looks like for you. 

By being outcome focused and sharing this ROI with your VA, you’ll both be working on the same page … thus achieving the right financial results for your investment.

We're ready


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