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On The Outside Looking In: Your Business Review

Getting feedback from clients helps you move forward in your business

We are in the process of rolling out a Business Review for our package clients, something that will also be invaluable as part of our on-boarding process when we start working with new clients and I’m hoping, as a stand-alone service.

Our business review involves evaluating the following areas:

  • Marketing
  • Processes
  • Systems
  • Communication
  • Project Management
  • Client Attraction and Retention

Using the results, we then create a report summarising key points (while linking to the detailed data) and an action list, highlighting ‘quick wins’ for the client.  We include a ‘scenario’ where, if the actions are completed, this is the outcome for the client.

As part of developing this review we’ve had to test (and test and test!) which involved one of my team reviewing our business. I went from being on the inside looking out, to viewing my business and its processes through someone else’s eyes. A real eye opener!

Having the benefit of a business “warrant of fitness” (review) highlighted for me:

  • Our processes need to be better integrated into our daily routines.
  • We need (even!) more accountability!
  • Our customer satisfaction level is something to be proud of.
  • Change is our constant, what was industry leadership 6 months ago is already out of date.

So, we’re not perfect. I was never under that illusion! But I wanted to ask you, when was the last time both you and someone on the outside reviewed your business?  Do you think they’d see the same strengths and weaknesses you see?

And as always, if you’d like to discuss your business needs on a free discovery call with me

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