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How To Stay Focused Amongst Chaos

How To Stay Focused Amongst Chaos

Working from home?

  • Your ‘better half’ is in the other room on zooms.
  • Children being home schooled, and just being children.
  • Washing needs doing, dishwasher needs emptying, vacuuming to do … chores!

Working from your office?

  • Colleagues dropping in with questions.
  • Couriers dropping off parcels.
  • Meetings!!!

Whether it’s personal stress, interruptions, workplace conflict or, in the case of 2020, the world feels like it’s in an eternal state of chaos, life goes on.

During times like this, a healthy work-life balance can mean the difference between sanity and a meltdown, so here’s some tips to help you keep on the right side of sanity!

Tools To Help With Focus

The advice above is great, but there’s more you can do to help make those tips habits … and keep focus front of mind.  Here’s our pick on the best tools to help you stay on track:

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Focusing gets easier the more you change how you work.  Short, sharp focused blocks of time, reducing those interruptions, blocking out background noise.

Figure out the tools and strategies that work for you and be very conscious about how you work.

With a little practice you’ll master that chaos, imagine what you’ll achieve then!


Want to learn more ways to deal with feeling overwhelmed while leading a business, and the tools you can use to manage this, download your free e-Book guide here.

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