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Clearing Clutter For Clarity

Clearing Clutter For Clarity

We onboarded a new client yesterday and I’m so thankful she found, and chose, us.

Because we can help her.

As we talked through her priorities, her goals and her frustrations (the trigger for teaming up with us), I wanted to jump through Zoom and give her a big fat hug.

Does this resonate with you at all …

  • Over 1,500 emails in her inbox.
  • Calendar reflects meetings, not milestones or deliverables.
  • Worried there’s fires igniting in the background but focusing on service commitments.

I’m sharing this not to make her look unorganised. She’s definitely not alone, plus if she wasn’t so good at what she does … and thus so busy, we might never have met.

But just think, once we …

  • Organise her inbox
  • Put everything she needs to turn up for, and have done, in her calendar
  • Organise and improve repeated workflows
  • Systemise internal and external operations
  • Spring clean her cloud

Then the clutter disappears, leaving her with clarity to focus on what she’s doing in that moment without worrying about all the balls up in the air.

Speaking from my experience and how I work best (and everyone is different), clutter clouds my vision. Being organised and systemised in what I do gives me the space and clarity to do what needs to be done + then I have time and the clarity needed to do the fun projects, to execute my vision.

Takeaway: take a few minutes to think about how you feel about how you work. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and out of control … you’re the only one who can change it. If you are thinking like that, like the clutter is clouding your clarity … imagine having MADE the change, what could you achieve then!

How to systemise and automate your business [free download]
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