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Time  Systems Leadership Profitability
The Best Browser Extensions and Integrations Your Gmail Needs

The Best Gmail Add-Ons And Extensions

In this article we’ve listed some of the add-ons and extensions we use, both internally and for our clients. Try some of them yourself and in doing so spend less time being frustrated by the amount of time you’re spending in your inbox and more time in your zone of genius.

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5 Ways To Finish What You Started

5 Ways To Finish What You Started

Think of the feeling of when you first started a passion project. When your excitement was through the roof, it was all you could think about and you just wanted to invest all of your time into it. But time and time again, this momentum drops away before you know how to try and keep it up. The struggle of abandoning projects is a natural one. You find other things taking priority or unforeseen hurdles come up, and you procrastinate. Eventually, you are left with a growing list of unfinished projects and no motivation to complete any of them.

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The Best Ways To Reduce Your Admin

The Best Ways To Reduce Your Admin

Admin tasks are fundamentally necessary for helping businesses run smoothly and successfully. But it’s undeniable that they take up a lot of time. Studies show the excessive time and cost that is invested into admin, estimating businesses can work (on average) as much as 16 hours a week on it, while US businesses spend nearly $600 billion a year on admin. For businesses who perform admin tasks manually, this is a huge lost opportunity, as using modern technology helps these processes run easier and take up less time.

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