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This service includes:

What’s the difference between a VA and VBM?

Where a VA is reactive and an ‘assistant’ a VBM is proactive and responsible for your operations. A VBM is ‘manager’ who’s your accountability partner and sounding board, a member of your leadership team.

Does a VBM actually ‘do’ tasks as well?

Yes, particularly in the first three months in order to learn ‘how’ your business works. In the long term they’ll delegate these tasks so you get the best possible return on your investment, giving them time to help you manage your business.

What can I expect in the first three months?

It takes time to learn you and your business. We use a framework of EOS tools to onboard with you so we get up to speed as quickly as possible which includes agreeing on your expectations, balancing quick wins with longer term goals. By the end of the first quarter we will have a clear plan which addresses the issues you came to us for.

How can a VBM help me with my systems and processes?

Our VBMs are systems champions. We see the value in them and have worked through the challenges in getting teams on the same page. Your VBM will work with you and your team to create scalable, sustainable operational systems that are followed by your team. This includes managing the documentation, review and improve steps to a healthy operational foundation.

What’s the difference between VBM, OBM, Integrator, Admin or Ops Manager?

An Integrator actively works with you to implement EOS. All other titles are versions of the same role, no two businesses are created equal which is why our team each bring their own strengths.

When’s the right time to hire a VBM?

When your business is in a growth phase and needs operational excellence to support that growth. You’ll be wearing too many hats in your business, and constantly pulled into the weeds meaning you don’t have the space and time needed to work on your business. We go into more detail in our article here.

What qualities should I look for in a VBM?

A good VBM is proactive, loves to execute with an eye on the detail, not afraid to say no or hold you accountable, a manager with the skills to ensure that you’re no longer working in the weeds of your business.

What are the benefits of hiring a VBM?

Your VBM will free you up so you spend more time building relationships, acting on your vision and ultimately growing your business.  She’ll achieve this by working with you and your team to create sustainable, scalable operations.  Learn more about how a VBM will help you create a better business.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a VBM

A VBM is responsible for managing your people, operations, systems, projects, metrics and YOU, in line with your values and purpose.

Responsibilities and expectations are set as part of your onboarding with us so we’re measured by a scorecard that’s uniquely relevant to your business.

What types of tasks could a VBM take off my plate?

Your VBM will:

  • execute your projects and vision
  • manage your systems and processes
  • run your meetings (in order to achieve desired outcomes and stay on track)
  • manage your day to day ‘noise’ in order to get you out of the weeds of your business
  • be responsible for measuring key data
How can a VBM help me delegate tasks I should not be doing?

As your accountability partner to keep you focused on where your time is best spent, your VBM will work with you using the EOS tools we use (such as The Assistance Track) to help you delegate the tasks which aren’t the best use of your time.  This may include:

  • helping you to slow down in order to speed up
  • working through your organisation chart to identify where you need more resources
  • building better systems and processes to increase efficiencies
  • weekly meetings to help you get (and stay) on track
Does a VBM need a VA or admin person working alongside them to delegate tasks to?

In order for you to get the best possible return on your investment, like you a VBM should delegate tasks which aren’t the best use of their time.

While we ‘do’ tasks initially (as required) in order to learn your business and your systems, these tasks will ultimately be delegated so your VBM can ‘manage’.

How can a VBM help me manage my team?

Your VBM will help you manage your team by:

  • identifying gaps in your procedures
  • holding team members accountable
  • leading team meetings
  • coaching you through difficult conversations and same page meetings
  • project management governance
How does a VBM measure success and show ROI?

During our onboarding we’ll establish what success looks like for you.  Expectations will be agreed upon and tracked regularly in order to ensure your ROI is met.  This is discussed and reported as:

  • 7 day actions
  • issues and opportunities
  • quarterly rocks (SMART goals)
  • annual goals

We commit to the following as a result in partnering with a VBM:

  • Time (so you have the headspace to work on your business)
  • A trusted partner (a sounding board who truly cares about your business)
  • A decision maker (reducing the bottlenecks in your business)
  • Completed projects (a key component to profitability)
  • Accountability and strategic support (keeping you focused on what’s important)
How long does it take for a VBM to learn my business?

At least 90 days which is why we ask for this commitment from you when we agree to work together.  

It takes this first quarter to learn about you and your business.  To do our due diligence with your team, your systems, your operations and finance. 

What is your process for onboarding new clients and getting to know their business?

We use a proven process to onboard you, balancing quick wins with longer terms ones as your VBM learns your business.  

While no two businesses are the same, we draw from a framework of EOS tools to give you (and your VBM) clarity at a strategic level from the very start of your onboarding.



This service includes:

Do I have to use all my hours each month?
Retainer hours do not roll over to the next month, however in our initial handover session we agree on your ‘wish list’. These are non-urgent tasks that can be undertaken when hours are available to be used. This is how we endeavour to use all the hours in your retainer.
Can I test you out before committing?

Absolutely. We want you to be 100% comfortable working with us. Send us through a test task so you get a feel for what working with us is like.  Note even if you do sign up for a retainer, you can pause or stop at any time.

How do I get started?

It’s as easy as sending us an email or clicking here to book your free discovery call. We can get started with you as soon as you need us.

What services do you offer?

We are a full-service virtual business support agency with three support teams:

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Virtual Specialists
  • Virtual Business Managers

For a full list of the tasks we can help you with download our free guide:  Tasks you can delegate to a VA.

What if I have more specialised tasks?

We have a team of virtual specialist to help you with those specialised tasks.  These include:

  • Recruitment
  • Bookkeeping
  • Social media
  • Graphic design
  • Websites
  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Events
  • Online courses
  • and more!
How do I track progress on my projects?

At the end of each month you’ll be provided with a report that clearly shows the time tracked on your tasks. You’ll also be kept up to date during your regular catch ups with your lead VA. We’re experts when it comes to timely, clear and open communication.

Will you create SOPs for me?

100% yes! This is a critical element that helps leverage time and resources for your business. All intellectual property our team creates remains the property of your business and is shared with you.

These procedures also mean we have a backup VA working behind the scenes so should your VA go on leave, you have cover in her absence with no disruption for you.

How do I request a project?

If you’re a retainer client simply share the project information with your lead VA.

If you’re a new or casual client simply fill in our project brief form and we’ll come back to you with an estimate for your approval before we start.

Where is my VA based?

Our team are all based here in New Zealand.  We are proud to be a made in NZ company!

Why use Your VA and not another service like UpWork or Guru?

Because you don’t get one person when you partner with us.  You benefit from the collaboration of a team.  We  communicate on Slack to problem solve, come up with the best solutions and outcomes for you. 

We recommend offshore support for certain tasks, but if you’re looking for a committed partner in your business, who cares about your success … then we’re your team.

Do you outsource work offshore?

On occasion when the task and budget require it, we use hand picked people we’ve worked with on a regular basis. This keeps costs down for you and allows the core team to perform their tasks at a higher level. All projects that are sent offshore are fully assessed and will only be shown to you (and paid for) when we’re happy. Rest assured we’re a picky bunch.

How do I know you will keep my material private and confidential?

Each one of our team sign a Confidentiality Agreement when they onboard with us. They’re also put through rigorous testing and assessment before working with you. We don’t take on ‘average’ VAs, but those who share our values, who we build trust with, before we ever pair them up with our clients.

In addition to this we have a comprehensive cyber security policy in place.  To protect you.



Our project or adhoc service is a way for you to:

  • leverage a virtual ‘temp’ while you’re recruiting to fill a position
  • try us before committing to a retainer
  • get help in a hurry for your one-off projects:
    • websites
    • launches
    • branding
    • inbox clean-up
    • online courses
    • graphic design
    • strategy

This service includes:

Do you offer quotes on projects?

Absolutely!  We’ll estimate your project based on the information you’ve provided.  

How do I get started with my task?

Simply send us the information for your task using this project brief form.  

We’ll then submit a quote for your approval before we start.

What types of projects have you worked on?

Everything we offer as part of our retainer service!  Our project clients come to us for help with:

  • cleaning up their database or CRM
  • email sequences
  • brand guides
  • templates (document and social media)
  • website design and updates
  • content for blogs, newsletters, social posts and email campaigns
  • organising inboxes
  • setting up calendars
  • creating and marketing online courses
  • coaching
  • site audits
  • brochures
  • events
  • marketing strategy
  • spreadsheets
  • Xero reconciliations
  • customer service 

The list over the past 24 years is endless!

Who will work on my project?

It depends completely on the type of project but the same team working with our retainer clients work on your tasks.

If you come to us for a website we’ll assign our best:

  • copy writer
  • SEO specialist
  • graphic designer
  • marketing specialist
  • and of course, one of our website developers

If on the other hand you need to get to inbox zero then we’ll assign one of our lead VAs.

You’ll get the best skillset for the task you delegate to us.  Every time.

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